Saturday 24 August 2013

A step closer.

All my WIPs. I started on some of these even before school commenced. I started drawing somewhere around this time of the month in 2012, back then all I could do was to get the outlines right. Without prior knowledge in art I did not have any clue on how and what to draw. I started drawing because I wanted to be a tattoo artist (I still do), thus I started drawing tattoo related art. It started in 2011 where I got my very first tattoo done, like most people I was very intrigued by the whole process of  tattooing. Although it ignited something in me, I never really thought much about it. In 2012, I got my second tattoo. It was then when I knew that I am really into the whole thing about tattoo. I then did some research on how do I go about becoming an artist, I must be able to draw. Honestly I never really know whether I am good in art or not, but I was offered an apprenticeship by the person who tattooed me and it was only after a month of endless practice. Along the way comes other studios/shops that also offered me apprenticeship, I had to declined due to some reasons. But I never stop drawing, now that it has become a part of me. I still find time to draw despite the school work, it is me and this is what I do.

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