Thursday 8 August 2013

Forgotten things

When was the last time you looked up? Ever since being introduced to smartphones, we have been constantly looking down to the phone screen. Yes, even I am guilty of it. With the advanced features and up to date technology, it is hard to resist using it. This photo was taken on a Sunday evening, using a smartphone of course. I had no idea as to why did I looked up, but I am glad now that I did. This photo made me feel that people have indeed been so obsessed with technology. It seems that we have all forgotten that smartphones are also equipped with high quality camera. Only a very few of us would explore the phone's camera function when we got our phone. I took this photo because I feel that it is totally in sync with my emotion at that moment.
I believe that behind every photo there is something to it, be it memory or story. But first, feel and experience before you rush to take a photo. Do not take a photo for the sake of  taking it, that would defeats the whole purpose. We should pay more attention to our surrounding environment. If we do, we are bound to find beauty in almost everywhere. It is surprising that that we are always surrounded by beautiful things

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